HR Essentials

Flexible and Remote Working (HRE09)

There are plenty of reasons why a person might not be able to get to work: weather, transport issues, illness management… From an HR point of view, when people can’t make it in, often with little or no warning, that can cause a real headache. But there’s an easy solution: flexible or remote working.

Allowing staff to work remotely can support the business and allow it to function as normally as possible. Forget all the “issues” that you think remote or flexible working may bring, we’re going to debunk or explain how to tackle them. And we’re also going to explain the many benefits that remote working can bring, too.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Ditch misconceptions about remote working
• Identify the benefits of flexible working
• Keep things running smoothly with tech

Why take this course?

If you have a role in HR or a hand in hiring, you should consider the benefits that remote or flexible workers can bring to the business. Being able to work remotely offers staff a better work/life balance, can save the company money, and offers many more benefits too. Understanding is key to implementing effectively.

10 mins | SCORM | Workbook

  • Flexible and Remote Working
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed