To some people, the HR department is a magical place that deals with all those issues that crop up with employees. And to some extent, that’s true. But, consider this: if you’re a non-HR manager or supervise/lead a team, there are still plenty of issues you’ll have to deal with that you might consider to be HR’s responsibility: performance reviews, absenteeism, and discipline, for example.
While HR usually handles employee relations, non-HR managers are the front line for these types of issue, so you’ll need to know how to deal with them effectively to keep your team happy and productive.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
• Define HR issues
• Effectively manage absences
• Handle discipline and termination
Why take this course?
Being able to handle critical HR issues like annual leave, absenteeism, and diverse hiring is part of the roles and responsibilities of non-HR managers. This course would be ideal for first-time managers, supervisors, or team leaders, or indeed anyone within HR departments who needs to understand HR roles.
10 mins | SCORM | Workbook
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