Unlocking Your Potential (CM001)
Unlocking Your Potential (CM001)
Do you ever feel like you’re capable of, well, more? You know deep down you should be reaching for the stars but instead you go through your days feeling more like you’re lost in space. Well, maybe it’s time for you to unlock your true...
Discovering Your Strengths and Weaknesses (CM003)
Discovering Your Strengths and Weaknesses (CM003)
To succeed in your career, you need to be able to identify the things you’re good at. Whether you realize it or not, you have your own unique talents and skills that form your personal strengths at work. By discovering these strengths, you can...
The Importance of a Mentor (CM004)
The Importance of a Mentor (CM004)
Have you ever thought how nice it would be to have someone at work looking out for you? Someone who gives you advice and guidance as well as a high five when you do a good job? Well, that’s exactly what a mentor is. It’s someone with...
Your Personal Brand Story (CM005)
Your Personal Brand Story (CM005)
You know that part of the interview that everyone dreads? The part where they ask you what makes you unique? Well, actually, that’s one of the most important questions you should be asking yourself throughout your career. The things that set...
Internal Interview Preparation (CM006)
Internal Interview Preparation (CM006)
Getting an internal job seems easy – you know them, they know you, and maybe your manager even suggested you go for it! But it’s important not to get a false sense of security. In fact, you need to approach an internal interview like it’s...
Working Smart (CM007)
Working Smart (CM007)
It’s natural to feel pride about doing a good job and to want to be recognized for doing so. But it’s easy to feel like pushing yourself to breaking point is the only way to perform well. Your well-being is always important and should be...
Personal Development Plans and Sticking to Them (CM008)
Personal Development Plans and Sticking to Them (CM008)
Personal development plans, also known as PDPs, are action plans that help you reflect on and manage your professional growth and progress. They’re often mandatory in the workplace, making them seem like just another task to fit into your...
Setting Stretch Goals (CM009)
Setting Stretch Goals (CM009)
We’ve all set New Year’s resolutions that we knew, deep down, we wouldn’t keep. It’s easy to assume the goals you set to quit sugar or go running every day were just too hard and that’s why you didn’t achieve them. But what if,...
Achieving Clarity (CSA04)
Achieving Clarity (CSA04)
Information is difficult to understand when it’s not presented clearly. But it’s so much easier to understand when it is. When you present information, do it with clarity. If you don’t, you just won’t get the right message...
Maintaining Customer Service Across Channels (CSE01)
Maintaining Customer Service Across Channels (CSE01)
“Should we be focusing on customer service or customer experience?” That might sound like a trick question, but customer service and customer experience are two very different parts of the same puzzle. Understanding how the two terms...

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